Monday, February 28, 2011

Lesson 1: Fantasy Habitat Introduction

Welcome back to science! Today we are beginning a new unit on Ecosystems.

Together, we will look at a model of a fantasy habitat which includes:

  • A central animal
  • Other living things
  • Non-living things
  • Food
  • Container/Enclosure
Now, choose an animal from this list, for which you will design your own fantasy habitat over the next few days.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Unit 5 Conclusion

Welcome back to Science!
  • There is no notebook work for today
  • You will be taking a quiz about Fr'bloggin'
After the Quiz:
  • Write down the checklist of assignments in your notebook (put a little check box next to each assignment)
  • The checklist of assignments can be found in the Fr'bloggin' Assignments Tab, and is also written on the board
  • Check off each assignment as you complete it during class today. ALL WORK IS DUE TODAY.
Good Luck!

Melissa and Alyssa

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lesson 6: This Week in Science - Day 2 of 2

Welcome back to science! In today's lesson you will be writing the second half of your Annotated Photo Journal Entry. If you didn't get to finish yesterday, it's also important for you to go back to Lesson 5 and complete that work (send us your URL and upload at least 5 pics).

(Note: don't forget that you must log on to New Design Mail first, then log on to

Today's Task: 2 Paragraph Essay for Your "This Week in Science" Post - Today's task is to write the story of your dissection. 
  • Step 1 - Read the Model
  • Step 2 - (In Notebook) Write a Title for Each Paragraph that Captures the Main Idea
  • Step 3 - Edit your "This Week in Science" Post and add your own two paragraphs

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lesson 5: This Week in Science - Day 1 of 2

Welcome back to science! In today's lesson you will be completing the first half of your Annotated Photo Journal Entry. You'll also be sending us the URL (web address) of your blog by filling out the form below.

(Note: don't forget that you must log on to New Design Mail first, then log on to

Part 1: Annotated Photo Journal Entry, "This Week in Science" - The dissection is over! Whew. You survived (your frog didn't)... Today's task is to create a new post, select at least 5 pictures that tell the story of your dissection, then annotated the pictures.

  • Step 1: Create a New Post for your Frog Dissection Photo Journal and title it "This Week in Science"
  • Step 2: Select and upload a minimum of five pictures to tell the story of your dissection (click here to access your group's pictures)
  • Step 3: Annotated each picture in the following way...
    • Describe the picture ("This picture shows...")
    • Explain why you chose it ("I chose this picture because..."
This picture shows the open body cavity of our frog, "Bob." I chose this picture because it is a good example of how you have to use two hands when holding the frog open.

Part 2: Submit Your URL - Fill out the form below so that we can view your blog.

    Thursday, February 10, 2011

    Lesson 4: Dissection Part 2

    Welcome back to science! You will complete your dissections today. We want you to focus on three things during this lesson:

    1. Frogtography - It's critical for the success of your fr'blog photo journal entry that your group has excellent pictures.
    2. Identifying Organs - You'll be carefully removing and identifying each of your frog's organs.
    3. Your Notebook - Make sure your notebook has all the work from yesterday in it as well as the prompts from today.
    Click here for Dissection Instructions Part 2.


    The 9th Grade Instructional Team

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    Lesson 3: Dissection Day!

    Welcome back to science. In today's class we will be examining the external (outside) and internal (inside) portions of your frogs. Please follow these step by step instructions.

    Part 1: Familiarize Yourself with the Product (Online Photo Journal)

    Part 2: Choose Roles
    • Surgeon- Handles the frog and all of the surgical instruments
    • Physician's Assistant (PA)- Helps the surgeon with whatever need arises
    • Navigator- Uses the online web tutorial to direct the surgeon and PA
    • Frogtographer- Uses a digital camera to tell the story of this team's dissection
    Part 3: Dissection and Notebook Work! 

    Click Here To Begin!

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    Lesson 2: Love Your Blog (and your Frog)

    Welcome back to Fr'Bloggin'! In today's lesson you will do two separate activities:

    1. Customize Your Blog
    2. Notebook Work: Conduct Research About Frogs

    Saturday, February 5, 2011

    Lesson 1: Welcome to Fr'Bloggin'!

    Dear Wonderful 9th Graders,

    Welcome to the beginning of the second half of the year! And welcome to your new unit of study entitled, "Fr'Bloggin'." That's right, fr'bloggin'. Say it out loud. It's fun.

    In this two week long unit we will be studying frogs and blogging. The purpose of studying frogs is severalfold:
    • Many students mentioned that they wanted to dissect frogs
    • Many students mentioned that they wanted more technology in class
    • Frogs give us an awesome entry point into ecosystems and human impact on the environment
    • Blogs give us an awesome way to publish your writing and share it with the world
    In today's lesson you will set up your blog and write your first entry. Please follow these instructions to get started.


    David and the 9th Grade Instructional Team